Thursday, January 5, 2012

Behind the Scenes: Photo Sessions

I am not good at picture taking at all.  I have come a long way since I got my camera, but I am no where near an expert.  Whenever I take pictures of things, the one good shot I get was taken from about 50 different pictures.  The same goes for that picture of me on the sidebar of my blog.  But there is one thing you can learn from me and that's...
i'm huge dork
I will sit down and start getting serious about taking pictures, and then I always end up taking about 150 pictures of myself just screwing around.  These are the mild shots sadly.  There are some I won't even show my husband!  I was getting a cool affect with the lens being a little in the sunlight, and I could not stop taking retarded pictures of myself.  If they don't make anyone else laugh, they at least put a smile on my face!  After awhile, I actually got a pretty cool shot with the flares and rays really coming into the window when the sun was close to the horizon.
sun flares and rays on pictures
Its a little blurry, but still a cool effect!  Maybe I will try and do a DIY on how to do this.  That is if I can even remember how to do it myself.

What are some dorky things you do when no one is looking?