Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The First Post

Lately, I have been really inspired to create.  Something.  Anything.  I just wish I had the time to do it.  With taking care of my daughter, Maggie, doing my medical transcription school, taking care of our house, and being pregnant, it seems so hard to find time to do anything for myself.  Also, funds are a little tight right now.  Hopefully, after I finish my school, the money situation will get better.  I can only hope!

I have been incredibly obsessed with researching.  That's about the only thing I have energy for right now.  All I have to do is sit, point and click.  I have found sssooo many awesome blogs, patterns for different projects, tutorials, free lessons, and articles.  Who knows, maybe that will be what this blog is about.  Or maybe this will be a future extension to an Etsy store.